Students don’t get enough speaking practice

With AI we can now solve this!
Offer your students Unlimited speaking practice!

You teach, we help them practice!

1. Student learns with your curriculum

2. They use Teacher AI to practice their speaking skills. The exercises correspond with your curriculum

3. Both the student and the teacher can track progress
How it works…
Get your own white label app
We’ll create the app for you.

Upload your own curriculum
The platform will create speaking exercises based on your curriculum

Enroll your Students
Once they’ve been enrolled, they can practice your curriculum in your app.

Track your Students’ Progress
With the possibility to create leaderboards ect.

Why it’s a game-changer for your school…

Don't waste a fortune on building your own platform.

More students that can really get fluent

Share stats and proof that your students are getting results.

Get more love from your students and their parents.
We don’t replace your lessons.
We complement your lessons
with unlimited speaking practice!
And track progress for you!
Teacher AI has been a Game-Changer for 1000's of Language Learners
Here’s why…
A2 to B1 in one week! It works like a bloody treat Game changer for introverts Like the best italki lesson I've ever had I can speak everyday without judgement Much, much better than any AI language tutor I love frequent updates and fast fixes No need to wait and much cheaper I was blown away, can use it at school Spoke Italian for the first time in 4 years Ten minutes turned into one hour Incredible value for money The next big breakthrough in language acquisition tech It brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart It massively increased the amount I’m speaking Less anxiety than with a real person It takes away the embarrassment factor
Want to try Teacher AI for your school?
Mail us and let’s jump on a call: